Art des Auftrags: Lieferungen
Haupteinstufung (cpv): 31712336 Quarzoszillatoren
Postanschrift: Münchener Straße 20
Stadt: Weßling
Postleitzahl: 82234
Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Starnberg (DE21L)
Land: Deutschland
Konkurs: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Korruption: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Der Zahlungsunfähigkeit vergleichbare Lage gemäß nationaler Rechtsvorschriften: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Beteiligung an einer kriminellen Vereinigung: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Vereinbarungen mit anderen Wirtschaftsteilnehmern zur Verzerrung des Wettbewerbs: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Verstoß gegen umweltrechtliche Verpflichtungen: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Geldwäsche oder Terrorismusfinanzierung: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Betrugsbekämpfung: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Kinderarbeit und andere Formen des Menschenhandels: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Zahlungsunfähigkeit: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Verstoß gegen arbeitsrechtliche Verpflichtungen: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Falsche Angaben, verweigerte Informationen, die nicht in der Lage sind, die erforderlichen Unterlagen vorzulegen, und haben vertrauliche Informationen über dieses Verfahren erhalten.: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Rein innerstaatliche Ausschlussgründe: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Interessenkonflikt aufgrund seiner Teilnahme an dem Vergabeverfahren: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Direkte oder indirekte Beteiligung an der Vorbereitung des Vergabeverfahrens: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Schwere Verfehlung im Rahmen der beruflichen Tätigkeit: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Vorzeitige Beendigung, Schadensersatz oder andere vergleichbare Sanktionen: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Verstoß gegen sozialrechtliche Verpflichtungen: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Zahlung der Sozialversicherungsbeiträge: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Einstellung der gewerblichen Tätigkeit: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Entrichtung von Steuern: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)
Terroristische Straftaten oder Straftaten im Zusammenhang mit terroristischen Aktivitäten: The catalogue of grounds for exclusion is set out in the Act against restrains of Competition in sections 123 and 124 ARC (GWB)