Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen
Haupteinstufung (cpv): 79000000 Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen: Recht, Marketing, Consulting, Einstellungen, Druck und Sicherheit
Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 79419000 Beratung in Sachen Evaluierung, 79320000 Meinungsumfragen, 79330000 Statistische Dienstleistungen
Beteiligung an einer kriminellen Vereinigung: 1. section 129 of the Criminal Code (formation of criminal organizations), section 129a of the Criminal Code (formation of terrorist organizations) or section 129b of the Criminal Code (criminal and terrorist organizations abroad),
Terroristische Straftaten oder Straftaten im Zusammenhang mit terroristischen Aktivitäten: 1. section 129 of the Criminal Code (formation of criminal organizations), section 129a of the Criminal Code (formation of terrorist organizations) or section 129b of the Criminal Code (criminal and terrorist organizations abroad), 2. section 89c of the Criminal Code (financing of terrorism) or for participating in such an act or for providing or collecting financial resources knowing that these financial resources will be used or are intended to be used, in whole or in part, to commit an act under section 89a(2)(2) of the Criminal Code,
Geldwäsche oder Terrorismusfinanzierung: 2. section 89c of the Criminal Code (financing of terrorism) or for participating in such an act or for providing or collecting financial resources knowing that these financial resources will be used or are intended to be used, in whole or in part, to commit an act under section 89a(2)(2) of the Criminal Code, 3. section 261 of the Criminal Code (money laundering; concealment of unlawfully obtained assets),
Betrugsbekämpfung: 4. section 263 of the Criminal Code (fraud), insofar as the offense is directed against the budget of the European Union or against budgets administered by the European Union or on its behalf; pursuant to section 31 (2) sentence 4 UVgO, this shall also apply insofar as the offense is directed against public budgets, 5. section 264 of the Criminal Code (subsidy fraud), insofar as the offence is directed against the budget of the European Union or against budgets administered by the European Union or on its behalf; pursuant to section 31 (2) sentence 4 UVgO, this shall also apply insofar as the offence is directed against public budgets,
Korruption: 6. section 299 of the Criminal Code (bribery and corruption in commercial transactions), 7. section 108e of the Criminal Code (bribery and corruption of office holders), 8. Sections 333 and 334 of the Criminal Code (granting of advantages and bribery), in each case also in conjunction with Section 335a of the Criminal Code (foreign and international officials), 9. Article 2 § 2 of the Act on Combating International Bribery (Bribery of Foreign Members of Parliament in Connection with International Business Transactions), or
Kinderarbeit und andere Formen des Menschenhandels: 10. sections 232 and 233 of the Criminal Code (trafficking in human beings) or section 233a of the Criminal Code (promoting trafficking in human beings). A conviction or the imposition of a fine shall be equivalent to a conviction or the imposition of a fine under the comparable provisions of other states (section 123(2) by analogy). The conduct of a person convicted by final judgment shall be attributed to a company if this person has acted as a person responsible for the management of the company; this also includes the supervision of the management or the other exercise of supervisory powers in a managerial position (Section 123 (3) GWB by analogy).
Zahlung der Sozialversicherungsbeiträge: I/We also declare that my/our company has fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes, duties and social security contributions and that no legally binding court or final administrative decision has been made to the contrary (Section 123 (4) no. 1 GWB by analogy). Self-declaration in accordance with Section 124 GWB in conjunction with § Section 31 UVgO
Entrichtung von Steuern: I/We also declare that my/our company has fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes, duties and social security contributions and that no legally binding court or final administrative decision has been made to the contrary (Section 123 (4) no. 1 GWB by analogy). Self-declaration in accordance with Section 124 GWB in conjunction with § Section 31 UVgO
Verstoß gegen sozialrechtliche Verpflichtungen: 1. my/our company has not violated any applicable environmental, social or labor law obligations in the performance of public contracts,
Verstoß gegen umweltrechtliche Verpflichtungen: 1. my/our company has not violated any applicable environmental, social or labor law obligations in the performance of public contracts,
Konkurs: 2. my/our company is solvent, insolvency proceedings or comparable proceedings have neither been applied for nor opened against the assets of my/our company, the opening of such proceedings has not been rejected for lack of assets, my/our company is not in liquidation proceedings or has ceased its activities,
Der Zahlungsunfähigkeit vergleichbare Lage gemäß nationaler Rechtsvorschriften: 2. my/our company is solvent, insolvency proceedings or comparable proceedings have neither been applied for nor opened against the assets of my/our company, the opening of such proceedings has not been rejected for lack of assets, my/our company is not in liquidation proceedings or has ceased its activities,
Schwere Verfehlung im Rahmen der beruflichen Tätigkeit: 3. my/our company has not committed any serious misconduct in the course of its professional activities which calls into question the integrity of my/our company (the conduct of a person convicted by a final court decision is attributable to a company if this person has acted as a person responsible for the management of the company; this also includes the supervision of the management or the other exercise of controlling powers in a managerial position),
Vereinbarungen mit anderen Wirtschaftsteilnehmern zur Verzerrung des Wettbewerbs: 4. my/our company has not entered into any agreements with other companies which have the purpose or effect of preventing, restricting or distorting competition,
Interessenkonflikt aufgrund seiner Teilnahme an dem Vergabeverfahren: 5. there is no conflict of interest in the execution of the award procedure which could affect the impartiality and independence of a person working for the contracting authority in the execution of the award procedure,
Direkte oder indirekte Beteiligung an der Vorbereitung des Vergabeverfahrens: 6. no distortion of competition results from the fact that my/our company was already involved in the preparation of the award procedure,
Vorzeitige Beendigung, Schadensersatz oder andere vergleichbare Sanktionen: 7. my/our company has not significantly and persistently failed to meet any essential requirement in the performance of a previous public contract or concession contract,
Falsche Angaben, verweigerte Informationen, die nicht in der Lage sind, die erforderlichen Unterlagen vorzulegen, und haben vertrauliche Informationen über dieses Verfahren erhalten.: 8. my/our company has not committed any serious deception with regard to the grounds for exclusion or suitability criteria and has not withheld any information and is in a position to provide the required evidence,
Falsche Angaben, verweigerte Informationen, die nicht in der Lage sind, die erforderlichen Unterlagen vorzulegen, und haben vertrauliche Informationen über dieses Verfahren erhalten.: 9. my/our company - has not attempted to improperly influence the contracting authority's decision-making process, - has not attempted to obtain confidential information through which it could gain improper advantages in the award process, and - has not negligently or intentionally provided misleading information that could significantly influence the contracting authority's award decision and has not attempted to provide such information.