Supply of a DO328 as a Flying Testbed Referenznummer der Bekanntmachung: 525/2023/7090750
Bekanntmachung vergebener Aufträge
Ergebnisse des Vergabeverfahrens
Abschnitt I: Öffentlicher Auftraggeber
Ort: Weßling
NUTS-Code: DE21L Starnberg
Postleitzahl: 82234
Land: Deutschland
E-Mail: [gelöscht]
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Abschnitt II: Gegenstand
Supply of a DO328 as a Flying Testbed
Commercial aviation is undergoing a profound transformation and must introduce new, disruptive and climate-friendly technologies in the shortest possible time, while meeting aviation's high safety standards. An independent and cross-industry flying testbed creates the conditions for developing and validating the necessary technological building blocks and systems under real-world operating conditions as early as possible.
According to current research activities, the following technologies are suitable for enabling climate-neutral aviation in the medium and long term:
a. Electric/Hybrid-Electrical Propulsion
• Electric propulsion with hydrogen-powered fuel cells
• Fuel Cell Technology
• Battery Technology
b. Combustion of alternative fuels in existing turbine engines
• Synthetic Aviation Fuel
• Hydrogen direct-combustion
• E-Fuels
c. Noise/Emission Reduction Technologies
• Methods/Technology to reduce/manage contrails
• Optimised Flight Path
• Automation Technologies
• Sensor Technologies
Against the background described above, a DO328 should be procured by DLR in 2023 as a Flying Testbed under the project title "UpLift". It should be equipped with far-reaching, universally usable basic modifications and then operated by the DLR for research and development of new components and systems towards climate-neutral flight.
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
(German Aerospace Center)
Flight Experiments Facility
Lilienthalplatz 7
38108 Braunschweig
Process in a negotiated procedure with a call for competition pursuant to Section 17, para. 1 of the Ordinance on the Award of Public Contracts (VgV).
In the first step, public competitive bidding is held. Here, the candidates are reviewed on the basis of their applications to participate according to the criteria of the minimum requirements (exclusion criteria). This presupposes that an application for participation by the candidates is received by the awarding authority on time. The application must be formally correct and complete so that it can be further reviewed. All the specifications and the application for participation can be found in the tender documents in the section to be completed by the candidate.
After the completion of this first stage, the suitable candidates are actively invited by the awarding authority to submit a binding initial tender. With this invitation, the second stage of the award procedure has started for these successful candidates. From then on they will act as act tenderers in the procedure.
The contract is exclusively subject to the condition precedent of full receipt of the grant from the Federal Ministry of Economics. In this respect, the contract will only become legally effective when DLR receives the grant, of which DLR will inform the subcontractor. If the approved amount for the subcontract in the notification of grant differs from the amount requested, DLR expressly reserves the right to adjust the performance specifications accordingly in exchange with the subcontractor. If the contracting parties do not reach an agreement or if the grant is not awarded, the pending legal effect shall cease and the contract shall be invalid with effect ex tunc, and the condition shall thus no longer apply.
If the subcontractor begins to provide the service before it has received the grant, it does so at its own risk; in particular, it has no claim to remuneration for its services.
In addition, only costs within the approved project period are eligible for reimbursement.
Upon the occurrence of the condition precedent (approval), the legal consequences of the transaction take effect ipso jure; a separate declaration of intent by the contracting parties is not required.
Abschnitt IV: Verfahren
Shortening of the offer period based on § 17 (7) VgV
Abschnitt V: Auftragsvergabe
"A/C D328, SN 3061 – UpLift"
Ort: Wessling
NUTS-Code: DE21L Starnberg
Postleitzahl: 82234
Land: Deutschland
E-Mail: [gelöscht]
Telefon: [gelöscht]8
Fax: [gelöscht]
Hydro Systems KG: Ground Support Equipmcnt, such as tripods, axle jacks, towbars, landing gcar and engine tquipment
Acra Control Ltd. t/a Curtiss-Wright: Data Acquisition Hardware
Abschnitt VI: Weitere Angaben
Ort: Bonn
Postleitzahl: 53123
Land: Deutschland
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Ort: Bonn
Postleitzahl: 53123
Land: Deutschland
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