Copy-editing of academic texts Referenznummer der Bekanntmachung: 20220110_1b_DIE_SEBB_LEK
Abschnitt I: Öffentlicher Auftraggeber
Ort: Bonn
NUTS-Code: DEA22 Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt
Postleitzahl: 53113
Land: Deutschland
E-Mail: [gelöscht]
Abschnitt II: Gegenstand
Copy-editing of academic texts
Conclusion of a Framework Agreement for "Copy-editing of academic texts for the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)". The same call for tender is also published in German (20220110_1a_DIE_SEBB_LEK).
Copy-editing of academic texts - German
Bonn is the registered office of the Contractor (DIE). However, copy-editing work may be carried out independent of location. Presence in Bonn is not required.
In order to meet demand, there will be at least three copy-editors in the pool for German texts.
The call for tenders is divided into two categories: Category 1 is open to native speakers of German only (disqualification criterion).
If the Bidder is an office consisting of several individuals, including if it works with freelance staff, only the individual who has been selected as part of this call for tenders and who is specified in the personalised Framework Agreement with DIE for the relevant category will be permitted to take on work. DIE must be notified accordingly if this individual is not available. The Contractor will not be permitted to pass on copy-editing work to other staff members or even sub-contractors.
Approximately (on average) ca. 2 Discussion Papers, ca. 20 Policy Briefs (formerly "Analysen und Stellungnahmen") and max. 1 Study (only in German in exceptional cases) are published in German over a two-year period. The volume of these publications will vary. You can view existing publications at to gain an impression of their average length.
The term of the framework agreement begins on the award date and ends when the maximum volume has been reached. If the framework agreement has not been terminated in writing by the DIE no later than 3 months before the end of the contract, it shall be automatically extended up to twice for a further 12 months in each case (as long as the max. volume has not yet been reached).
Copy-editing of academic texts - English
Bonn is the registered office of the Contractor (DIE). However, copy-editing work may be carried out independent of location. Presence in Bonn is not required.
In order to meet demand, there will be at least eight copy-editors in the pool for English texts.
The call for tenders is divided into two categories: Category 2 is open to native speakers of English only (disqualification criterion).
If the Bidder is an office consisting of several individuals, including if it works with freelance staff, only the individual who has been selected as part of this call for tenders and who is specified in the personalised Framework Agreement with DIE for the relevant category will be permitted to take on work. DIE must be notified accordingly if this individual is not available. The Contractor will not be permitted to pass on copy-editing work to other staff members or even sub-contractors.
Approximately (on average) 48 Discussion Papers, ca. 45 Policy Briefs (formerly "Briefing Papers") and ca. 3-4 Studies (mainly in English, only in German in exceptional cases) are published in English over a two-year period. The volume of these publications will vary. You can view existing publications at to gain an impression of their average length.
The term of the framework agreement begins on the award date and ends when the maximum volume has been reached. If the framework agreement has not been terminated in writing by the DIE no later than 3 months before the end of the contract, it shall be automatically extended up to twice for a further 12 months in each case (as long as the max. volume has not yet been reached).
Abschnitt III: Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Angaben
If the Bidder is an office consisting of several individuals, including if it works with freelance staff, only the individual who has been selected as part of this call for tenders and who is specified in the personalised Framework Agreement with DIE for the relevant category will be permitted to take on work. DIE must be notified accordingly if this individual is not available. The Contractor will not be permitted to pass on copy-editing work to other staff members or even sub-contractors.
See Annex 2: Personal declaration of the absence of grounds for disqualification pursuant to Sections 123 and 124 of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition (GWB) in conjunction with Section 42 of the German Regulation on the Award of Public Contracts (VgV)
See Annex 3. Criteria are, among others:
Native speaker of German (prerequisite for Category 1) or native speaker of English (prerequisite for Category 2), respectively;
At least three years' experience in the copy-editing of academic publications and a degree in a subject related to development policy (see Annex 3 for details)
A degree in a different field or can provide evidence of several years' study in a relevant subject area without a a degree certificate and at least three years' experience in the copy-editing of academic publications with a development policy focus (see Annex 3 for details).
Abschnitt IV: Verfahren
Abschnitt VI: Weitere Angaben
Bekanntmachungs-ID: CXP4Y19RKQX
Ort: Bonn
Land: Deutschland
As part of the tendering process, companies are entitled to be treated by the public Client in a way that is compliant with bidder and applicant protection provisions. If a company interested in taking part in the tendering process considers its rights to have been violated as a result of a failure to comply with the contracting regulations, then it must report this violation to DIE without delay. Violations which are apparent from the call for tenders or tender documents must be asserted against DIE at the latest by the bid submission deadline specified in the announcement (call for tenders). If DIE notifies the company that it is unwilling to redress its complaint, then the company can submit an application for review to the public procurement tribunal (Vergabekammer) within 15 days of receiving the notification. Bidders whose bids are not to be considered for the awarding of agreements will be informed accordingly pursuant to Section 134 (2) GWB before agreements are awarded. DIE cannot conclude an agreement until 15 calendar days after this information has been issued. Where communication is by electronic means, this minimum period is 10 calendar days. It begins on the day after DIE has issued the information.
According to Section 160 (3), sentence 1, no. 4 GWB, a review application cannot be submitted if more than 15 days have lapsed since the company received notification from DIE that the Client was unwilling to redress the company"s complaint. Furthermore, reference is made at this point to notification obligations pursuant to Section 160 (3) GWB.