Driving Test of EMW (FR8Rail)
Abschnitt I: Öffentlicher Auftraggeber
Ort: Köln
NUTS-Code: DEA23 Köln, Kreisfreie Stadt
Postleitzahl: 51147
Land: Deutschland
E-Mail: [gelöscht]
Telefon: [gelöscht]
Fax: [gelöscht]3
Hauptadresse: http://www.dlr.de/DE/Home/home_node.html
Abschnitt II: Gegenstand
Driving Test of EMW (FR8Rail)
The main objective of Work Package 6 of the FR8RAIL 4 project is the development, production and testing of an innovative freight wagon concept based on project results from the previous Fr8Rail projects. This concept is called the Extended Market Wagon (EMW) and was presented in the form of a demonstrator at the InnoTrans trade fair in September 2022. The subject of this call for tenders is a series of driving tests to investigate the driving behaviour of this demonstrator at a technology readiness level of 6. The tests are not intended to serve as the basis for a potential approval or certification.
The concept itself consists of a two-axle wagon with a low loading height (approx. 1000 mm), a correspondingly low coupler height (approx. 820 mm) and wheels with a diameter of 850 mm. The empty wagon weighs approximately 10 tonnes, fully laden 34 tonnes.
The main objective of Work Package 6 of the FR8RAIL 4 project is the development, production and testing of an innovative freight wagon concept based on project results from the previous Fr8Rail projects. This concept is called the Extended Market Wagon (EMW) and was presented in the form of a demonstrator at the InnoTrans trade fair in September 2022. The subject of this call for tenders is a series of driving tests to investigate the driving behaviour of this demonstrator at a technology readiness level of 6. The tests are not intended to serve as the basis for a potential approval or certification.
The concept itself consists of a two-axle wagon with a low loading height (approx. 1000 mm), a correspondingly low coupler height (approx. 820 mm) and wheels with a diameter of 850 mm. The empty wagon weighs approximately 10 tonnes, fully laden 34 tonnes.
101004051- IP/ITD/CCA - IP5
The client is not obliged to disclose the estimated order value. The entry made does not reflect the order value. It is based solely on technical reasons, because the electronic systems used will not process contract notices if box II.2.6) is not filled in.
Abschnitt III: Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Angaben
- Proof is provided by the declaration on the grounds for exclusion pursuant to Sections 123, 124 of the ARC.
The proof is provided by means of a self-declaration - Proof of entry in a professional or commercial register.
• Indication of at least one references that are comparable with this contract
Abschnitt IV: Verfahren
Abschnitt VI: Weitere Angaben
Ort: Bonn
Land: Deutschland
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
An application for review is only admissible if * the applicant has reported violations of procurement regulations in the procurement procedure to the client within 10 calendar days of becoming aware of them,
* the applicant has complained to the contracting authority about violations of procurement regulations that are recognizable on the basis of the notice by the end of the deadline for the application specified in the notice,
* the applicant has reported violations that can be identified in the tender documents to the client by the end of the tender period at the latest,
* no more than 15 calendar days have passed after receipt of the notification from the customer that he does not want to remedy a complaint.
2020/S 026-059398 An application for review is inadmissible if more than 15 calendar days have passed after receipt of the notification from the customer that he does not want to remedy a complaint (Section 160 (3) sentence 1 no. 4 GWB). An application for review is also inadmissible if the contract has been awarded before the public procurement tribunal has informed the client of the application for review (§§ 168 Para. 2 Sentence 1, 169 Para. 1GWB). The contract can be awarded 15 calendar days after the bidder information has been sent in accordance with Section 134 (1) GWB. If the information is sent electronically or by fax, the period is reduced to 10 calendar days (Section 134 (2) GWB). The period begins on the day after the information was sent by the client; the date of receipt by the bidder and applicant concerned is irrelevant. The admissibility of an application for review also presupposes that the alleged award violations have been reprimanded 10 calendar days after knowledge (Section 160 (3) sentence 1 no. 1 GWB). Violations of procurement regulations, which are recognizable on the basis of the notice, must be reported to the client by the end of the deadline for the application or the submission of an offer specified in the notice at the latest (Section 160 (3) sentence 1 no. 2 GWB). Violations of procurement regulations, which are only recognizable in the procurement documents, must be be reprimanded to the client at the end of the deadline for the application or the submission of an offer (§ 160 Para. 3 Sentence 1 No. 3 GWB).