1. Beschaffer
Offizielle Bezeichnung: European Central Bank
Rechtsform des Erwerbers: EU-Institution, -Einrichtung oder -Agentur
Tätigkeit des öffentlichen Auftraggebers: Wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten
2. Verfahren
Titel: Digital euro - Risk and Fraud Management
Beschreibung: The digital euro high-level product description foresees the establishment of a general fraud detection and prevention mechanism for online digital euro transactions as an essential component of the digital euro service platform (DESP).
Kennung des Verfahrens: e2e7199d-752c-494d-b294-113e6c59e0e8
Interne Kennung: PRO-009487
Verfahrensart: Verhandlungsverfahren mit vorheriger Veröffentlichung eines Aufrufs zum Wettbewerb/Verhandlungsverfahren
Das Verfahren wird beschleunigt: nein
Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen
Haupteinstufung (cpv): 66110000 Bankdienstleistungen
Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 72000000 IT-Dienste: Beratung, Software-Entwicklung, Internet und Hilfestellung
Ort im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum
Zusätzliche Informationen: The provision of works and services will take place off-site within the European Economic Area, but can be requested on-site (subject to business needs), at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt.
Geschätzter Wert ohne MwSt.: 79 100 000,00 EUR
Höchstwert der Rahmenvereinbarung: 237 300 000,00 EUR
Allgemeine Informationen
Zusätzliche Informationen: This tender procedure is conducted via the ECB’s electronic tendering system (e-tendering) which can be accessed via the following internet address: http://www.ecb.europa.eu/ecb/jobsproc/sourcing/html/index.en.html If you have not used the ECB’s electronic tendering system before, you need to register via the above link (click on ‘Register’). Subsequently to the registration, you will receive an automated notification with your user credentials to log in (click on ‘Login’) and to access the tender documentation. Please note that: — A registration to the above system is only required once and you can reuse your user credentials in all future procedures of the ECB which are conducted via the above system. Therefore, please keep your user credentials for the future; — In case you should have participated in previous ECB tender procedure(s) in the past which were conducted via the ECB’s prior online system, you nevertheless need to register once to the ECB’s electronic tendering system under the above address; — Your mere registration does not constitute an application/tender. You must submit your application/tender via the ECB’s electronic tendering system as further instructed in the application/tender documentation. The system reference number for the above procurement is: RFX-PT-2023-000093: PRO-009487-R1-DEUR-Fraud and Risk Mgmt. To download the tender documents, log on to the ECB’s electronic tendering system with your login and password. Expand the field ‘Public Tenders – Upcoming Events’. Click on ‘Click to request an invitation to this event’ for the above procedure and close the new window which opens. Once the request is completed (this can take a few minutes), the status of the participation request will change to ‘Invited’ and the RFx documentation will be accessible via the RFx tab. Under the above link you also find user guides for detailed information on how to use the system and contact details for technical support. Should you require technical help when using the system, please contact the ECB’s technical support team at sourcing.support@ecb.europa.eu by quoting the reference number and the problem experienced. Any other queries relating to this procurement procedure and the content of the procurement documentation shall be submitted as message via the ECB’s e-tendering system (under the tab ‘Discussion’). The ECB endeavours to answer all queries as quickly as possible but cannot guarantee a minimum time response. The ECB shall not be bound to reply to queries received less than seven calendar days before the time-limit for the submission of tenders.
Richtlinie 2014/24/EU
Vereinbarungen mit anderen Wirtschaftsteilnehmern zur Verzerrung des Wettbewerbs
Der Zahlungsunfähigkeit vergleichbare Lage gemäß nationaler Rechtsvorschriften
Verwaltung der Vermögenswerte durch einen Insolvenzverwalter
Verstoß gegen umweltrechtliche Verpflichtungen
Verstoß gegen arbeitsrechtliche Verpflichtungen
Verstoß gegen sozialrechtliche Verpflichtungen
Einstellung der gewerblichen Tätigkeit
Kinderarbeit und andere Formen des Menschenhandels
Interessenkonflikt aufgrund seiner Teilnahme an dem Vergabeverfahren
Direkte oder indirekte Beteiligung an der Vorbereitung des Vergabeverfahrens
Vorzeitige Beendigung, Schadensersatz oder andere vergleichbare Sanktionen
Schwere Verfehlung im Rahmen der beruflichen Tätigkeit
Falsche Angaben, verweigerte Informationen, die nicht in der Lage sind, die erforderlichen Unterlagen vorzulegen, und haben vertrauliche Informationen über dieses Verfahren erhalten.
Geldwäsche oder Terrorismusfinanzierung
Beteiligung an einer kriminellen Vereinigung
Zahlung der Sozialversicherungsbeiträge
Entrichtung von Steuern
Terroristische Straftaten oder Straftaten im Zusammenhang mit terroristischen Aktivitäten
5. Los
Los: LOT-0001
Titel: Digital euro - Risk and Fraud Management
Beschreibung: The digital euro high-level product description foresees the establishment of a general fraud detection and prevention mechanism for online digital euro transactions as an essential component of the digital euro service platform (DESP). The general fraud detection and prevention mechanism is relevant in the context of digital euro transaction management. It must be established at the level of the digital euro scheme to support payment service providers (PSPs) in identifying fraudulent transactions by enriching the PSPs’ individual fraud risk view with insights on patterns and anomalies from a central infrastructure level perspective. However, PSPs of the digital euro environment will operate their own systems and apply appropriate fraud prevention, risk management and detection measurement rules. This procurement procedure aims at signing contracts with suitable providers for activities on the design and implementation of a central risk and fraud management component, providing a general fraud detection and prevention mechanism for online digital euro transactions. The component will cater for (non-exhaustive list of activities): the assessment the exposure to fraud risk of online digital euro transactions in real-time at the exclusive use of PSPs before the transaction is introduced into the digital euro settlement infrastructure; For this purpose, the component shall: receive and process a request from a PSP for real-time risk scoring of a transaction; send validation error message for fraud risk scoring requests in case the validation of data failed or time out occurred; upon a successful processing of a risk scoring request, respond with a positive notification; transmit the calculated risk score to the PSP requesting it; use the transaction details provided by the PSP and the rules set-up, to calculate a risk scoring of the transaction in real-time before the settlement. the support of payment service providers in detecting fraudulent transactions in online digital euro payment transactions that have been settled. For this purpose, the component shall: perform fraud analysis ex-post the transaction settlement based on a holistic picture of transactions across PSPs and produce fraud statistics. be capable of receiving and processing fraud statistics from PSPs. The statistics obtained shall be used in ex-post fraud analysis and to regularly produce situation awareness and intelligence reports for PSPs. support definition and management of rules to score the transactions. store fraud statistics (related to resulting risk scores and ex-post fraud analysis, for example) to support further fraud analysis as well as creation of reports (for the regulators and other stakeholders, for example). It should be emphasised that the general fraud detection and prevention mechanism offered by this component does not serve as a replacement for any deficiencies in PSPs’ fraud and risk management processes. It can only support and augment the activities at PSP level, by providing additional information that may otherwise not be available to PSPs to support their fraud prevention activities. This call for applications seeks the party responsible for the development, including maintenance, as well as the operation of the risk and fraud component for the digital euro based on the relevant contractual arrangements and on a decision of the ECB Governing Council.
Interne Kennung: PRO-009487
Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen
Haupteinstufung (cpv): 66110000 Bankdienstleistungen
Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 72000000 IT-Dienste: Beratung, Software-Entwicklung, Internet und Hilfestellung
Beschreibung der Optionen: The initial contract duration is 4 years with the possibility of one or more optional extensions to a total maximum contract duration of 15 years. This duration is justified by the following high-level summary: Due to the complexity and volume of the project, it will be not possible to deliver all services within 4 years. Specifically for the digital euro, where the contracts shall cover both development and operations, with development timeframes being in the range of typically around 2 years, followed by a staggered roll-out of the different use cases, the standard 4 years contract duration is considered inadequate to ensure that any provider would even be in a position to carry out the development and then ensure a stable operation of any of procured components. Fifteen year duration is expected to allow a development and rollout of the complete digital euro, including all use cases and allow the respective provider to be available for support and maintenance in the time period where the digital euro would increase the number of users. Following current estimations and market research, after the 4 year standard contract, the ramp up phase just began and only a fraction of the potential end user will be onboarded on the Digital Euro Service Platform, but with the amount of new end user per day peaking. Underlining the strong need for a stable support and maintenance during this time. Also, this approach allows the project team to focus on the digital euro functionality while avoiding any change of suppliers in this critical phase. This justification will be verified when the decision on the extension is taken. If the good reasons that had justified the reservation in the contract notice and in the procurement documents no longer exists - no contract extension will be requested.
Geschätzte Dauer
Datum des Beginns: 01/01/2025
Laufzeit: 4 Jahr
Geschätzter Wert ohne MwSt.: 79 100 000,00 EUR
Höchstwert der Rahmenvereinbarung: 237 300 000,00 EUR
Allgemeine Informationen
Vorbehaltene Teilnahme: Teilnahme ist nicht vorbehalten.
Auftragsvergabeprojekt nicht aus EU-Mitteln finanziert
Zusätzliche Informationen: In deviation from Article 30 (1) of the Decision ECB/2016/2 laying down the rules on procurement (as amended), (available at https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:02016D0002-20200501), participation in this procurement procedure is subject to the following place of establishment and control requirement: Only the following may be eligible as candidates, tenderers, members of a temporary grouping or sub-contractors: - EU Nationals that - are controlled by EU Nationals. Should candidates, tenderers or members of a temporary grouping that do not fulfil these requirements apply/submit an application, the application/tender will be excluded. Should sub-contractors be proposed that do not fulfil these requirements (i.e. being an EU National being controlled by an EU National), the ECB will either decide to exclude the application/tender or request that the sub-contractor be replaced with a sub-contractor that does fulfil the requirements. An ‘EU National’ means any legal entity with registered offices in an EU member state or any natural person that has the nationality of an EU member state. ‘Control’ means the ability to exercise a decisive influence on an undertaking, directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediate undertakings. Control can take any of the following forms: (i) the direct or indirect holding of more than 50% of the nominal value of the issued share capital in the legal entity concerned, or of a majority of the voting rights of the shareholders or associates of that entity, (ii) the direct or indirect holding, in fact or in law, of decision-making powers in the legal entity concerned. The contractors must moreover ensure that any cooperation with Nationals of third countries (non-EU countries) or that are controlled by such a country and/or by a national of such a country does not affect the security interests and avoids potential negative effects over security of supply of inputs that are critical to the procurement and the procurement subject. As proof, Candidates shall submit a declaration(s) in the Annex CfA4 for themselves and potential members of temporary groups or subcontractors. The ECB reserves the right to request further information or proof in this context to assess, if the above requirements are fulfilled.
Strategische Auftragsvergabe
Grüne Auftragsvergabe — Kriterien: Sonstige Kriterien für ein umweltorientiertes öffentliches Beschaffungswesen
Art: Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit
Beschreibung: As specified in the procurement documentation
Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet
Anhand der Kriterien werden die Bewerber ausgewählt, die zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens eingeladen werden sollen
Art: Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit
Beschreibung: As specified in the procurement documentation
Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet
Anhand der Kriterien werden die Bewerber ausgewählt, die zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens eingeladen werden sollen
Art: Sonstiges
Bezeichnung: Proof of Concept
Beschreibung: In addition to the selection criteria stated above, the ECB intends to assess the candidate's ability to perform effective fraud detection and prevention using the smallest possible set of transaction data. If the candidate has developed relevant working solution(s) in line with one or more of the above approaches, it shall indicate its willingness to demonstrate the functioning of at least one proof of concept (PoC) as part of the application submission. Subsequently, the ECB will provide a set of transaction data that candidates may use to calibrate their solution within one calendar week. The ECB will then invite all candidates that expressed their availability to demonstrate their PoC either at ECB premises (in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) or remotely (i.e. via videoconference). Within one calendar week after the application deadline, the ECB will inform all candidates that expressed their availability to demonstrate their PoC whether the PoC shall be demonstrated at ECB premises or remotely. The PoC shall demonstrate solution capabilities to effectively detect fraud in line with one or more of the abovementioned approaches on the basis of candidate’s own representative transaction data. The used data itself shall not be shared with the ECB whereas the categories of data shall be explained as part of the PoC.
Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet
Anhand der Kriterien werden die Bewerber ausgewählt, die zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens eingeladen werden sollen
Informationen über die zweite Phase eines zweiphasigen Verfahrens:
Mindestzahl der zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens einzuladenden Bewerber: 3
Höchstzahl der zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens einzuladenden Bewerber: 10
Das Verfahren wird in mehreren aufeinanderfolgenden Phasen durchgeführt. In jeder Phase können einige Teilnehmer ausgeschlossen werden
Zugang zu bestimmten Auftragsunterlagen ist beschränkt
Sprachen, in denen die Auftragsunterlagen offiziell verfügbar sind: Englisch
Frist für die Anforderung zusätzlicher Informationen: 08/02/2024 12:00:00 (UTC+1)
Name: ECB e-tendering platform
Bedingungen für die Auftragsvergabe
Bedingungen für die Einreichung:
Elektronische Einreichung: Erforderlich
Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Englisch
Elektronischer Katalog: Nicht zulässig
Frist für den Eingang der Teilnahmeanträge: 16/02/2024 12:00:00 (UTC+1)
Elektronische Rechnungsstellung: Erforderlich
Aufträge werden elektronisch erteilt
Zahlungen werden elektronisch geleistet
Informationen über die Überprüfungsfristen: Aggrieved candidates or tenderers may challenge in writing the ECB’s decision to reject their application or tender before the ECB's Procurement Review Body (PRB). The appeal before the PRB must be lodged within 10 days of receipt of the notification in accordance with Article 34(1) or the first sentence of Article 34(3) of Decision ECB/2016/2 laying down the rules on procurement, as amended. Further requirements are outlined in Article 39 of this Decision. A complaint to the European Ombudsman does not affect the deadline for lodging appeals. Decisions of the PRB may be challenged before the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Rahmenvereinbarung: Rahmenvereinbarung ohne erneuten Aufruf zum Wettbewerb
Höchstzahl der teilnehmenden Personen: 2
Informationen über das dynamische Beschaffungssystem: Kein dynamisches Beschaffungssystem
Weitere Informationen, Schlichtung und Nachprüfung
Schlichtungsstelle: The European Ombudsman
Überprüfungsstelle: General Court of the European Union
Organisation, die weitere Informationen für die Nachprüfungsverfahren bereitstellt: European Central Bank
8. Organisationen
Offizielle Bezeichnung: European Central Bank
Registrierungsnummer: 0001
Postanschrift: Sonnemannstrasse 22
Stadt: Frankfurt am Main
Postleitzahl: 60314
Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt (DE712)
Land: Deutschland
Kontaktperson: Central Procurement Office
Telefon: +49 69 13440
Rollen dieser Organisation:
Organisation, die weitere Informationen für die Nachprüfungsverfahren bereitstellt
Offizielle Bezeichnung: General Court of the European Union
Registrierungsnummer: 0002
Postanschrift: Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
Stadt: Luxembourg
Postleitzahl: L-2925
Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Luxembourg (LU000)
Land: Luxemburg
Kontaktperson: Registry of the General Court
Telefon: +352 43031
Fax: +352 4302100
Rollen dieser Organisation:
Offizielle Bezeichnung: The European Ombudsman
Registrierungsnummer: 0003
Postanschrift: 1 avenue du Président Robert Schuman, CS 30403
Stadt: Strasbourg
Postleitzahl: 67001
Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Bas-Rhin (FRF11)
Land: Frankreich
Telefon: +33 3 88 17 23 13
Rollen dieser Organisation:
10. Änderung
Fassung der zu ändernden vorigen Bekanntmachung: 5012-2024
Hauptgrund für die Änderung: Aktualisierte Informationen
11. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung
Informationen zur Bekanntmachung
Kennung/Fassung der Bekanntmachung: fd55b105-4327-4d8c-9b40-51c2c2c450ea - 01
Formulartyp: Wettbewerb
Art der Bekanntmachung: Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung – Standardregelung
Datum der Übermittlung der Bekanntmachung: 26/01/2024 10:30:01 (UTC)
Sprachen, in denen diese Bekanntmachung offiziell verfügbar ist: Englisch
Informationen zur Veröffentlichung
Veröffentlichungsnummer der Bekanntmachung: 57434-2024
ABl. S – Nummer der Ausgabe: 20/2024
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 29/01/2024