HEBT Modular Stands Batch 4.2 Referenznummer der Bekanntmachung: 35/2600006852FAIR
Abschnitt I: Öffentlicher Auftraggeber
Ort: Darmstadt
NUTS-Code: DE711 Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Postleitzahl: 64291
Land: Deutschland
E-Mail: [gelöscht]
Telefon: [gelöscht]
Fax: [gelöscht]
Hauptadresse: http://www.fair-center.de
Abschnitt II: Gegenstand
HEBT Modular Stands Batch 4.2
The High Energy Beam Tracing (HEBT) system of the FAIR facility enables the transfer of ion, proton and antiproton beams to and from the synchrotron and storage rings, to and from Super-FRS, to the antiproton production target and separator, and to the experimental areas (CBM and APPA). It consists of 29 beamlines with a total length of about 1.5 km.
A large number of racks for accelerator components in the beamline area of the HEBT system are required. These racks carry components for beam correction and diagnostics, as well as vacuum components and their connections. In addition, the racks carry the necessary media supply for the components.
FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH Planckstr. 1 64291 Darmstadt
Main Contract: 15 stands
Option: additional 4 stands
4 additional stands
Abschnitt III: Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Angaben
- 2. Company presentation (To be submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration): "With the information asked for on the FAIR preprinted form, the number of employees over the previous three years - on the FAIR preprinted form under Company presentation"
- 4. Self-declaration of suitability pursuant to Sections 123, 124 GWB (To be submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration): Self-declaration of possessing the knowledge pursuant to Sections 123, 124 GWB is incorrect and that the cases mentioned therein do not apply - FAIR preprinted form
- 2.1 Information on overall revenues and order-specific revenue (To be submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration): Declaration of the total company turnover and the turnover in relation to the particular type of service to which the award relates, in both cases, in relation to the last 3 financial years - on the FAIR preprinted form under Company presentation.
- 6.1 Proof of commercial liability insurance (To be submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration): "Proof of a commercial liability insurance must be provided - FAIR preprinted form
- 3. Description of reference projects (To be submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration): Description of three comparable reference projects, including the project data asked for on the FAIR preprinted form.
- 11. Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 (or comparable certification) (To be submitted with the participation request by means of third party confirmation): - submit Certification DIN EN ISO 9001 (or comparable certification)
- Certification that proves the capability to weld according to norm DIN EN ISO 3834 (or comparable)
Supporting documents:
- 1. Participation - General declaration within the meaning of Section 126b (German Civil Code -BGB) (To be submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration): General declaration of the person making the declaration within the meaning of Section 126b BGB. If the person making the declaration is not named in the request to participate, the request to participate will be deemed to have not been submitted.
- 5. Act Regulating a General Minimum Wage (Mindestlohngesetz - MiLoG) (To be submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration): Declaration as per Section 19 (3) MiLoG - FAIR preprinted form
- 8. Proofs for subcontractors (To be submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration): "The name and address of each intended subcontractor must be given when submitting the tender.
Each subcontractor used must meet the same suitability criteria as the primary contractor. Suitable proof for each subcontractor must be submitted.
The subcontractor must also submit
- A declaration of availability (see Declaration of availability preprinted form) together with the request to participate/tender. - FAIR preprinted form"
- 9. Russia sanctions - Declaration on Regulation (EU) 833/2014 (To be submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration): On 08.04.2022, the Council of the European Union adopted Regulation (EU) 2022/576 amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine. This entered into force on 09.04.2022. As a regulation, it has direct legal effect in the member states and has a direct impact on the award of public contracts and concessions.
- 10. Declaration of compliance with data protection requirements (To be submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration): The bidder must comply with technical and organizational measures to ensure data protection and data security - FAIR prprinted form
Abschnitt IV: Verfahren
Abschnitt VI: Weitere Angaben
Further tenders for different numbers and of different categories of HEBT Modular Stands will be published in the future.
The evaluation of the offers is based on the lowest-price method.
Please consider that there are latest dates for delivery:
main contract:
6 stands: latest 12/2023
5 stands: latest 02/2024
4 stands: latest 06/2024
option (to be drawn 6 months after purchase order is placed the latest):
4 stands: latest 06/2024
Also a Certification / Compliance with requirements of DIN EN ISO 3834 is demanded.
The tender documents are provided electronically on www.dtvp.de and can be downloaded there after free registration.
The contracting authority accepts the following types of bid submission:
Electronically in text form.
The submission of bids in electronic form is carried out in due time via the public procurement marketplace DTVP (Deutsches Vergabeportal).
URL: http://www.dtvp.de/Center/
In order to comply with the text form requirement pursuant to Section 126 b of the German Civil Code (BGB) when submitting bids, bidders must provide the following information:
- In the case of natural persons, the full name must be stated (§12 BGB).
- In the case of legal entities and trading companies (Section 17 BGB), the company name must be stated and the legal form. In addition, the full name of the employee submitting the bid on behalf of the company must be stated. The inclusion of a company logo is not sufficient.
- In the case of bidding consortia, the above information must be provided for each individual bidder.
information for each individual bidder.
It should be noted that the text form of Section 126 b of the German Civil Code (BGB) is only complied with in public procurement law if the requests to participate/bids are transmitted in encrypted form. An e-mail is not sufficient.
In the event of incorrect / incomplete information which violates the text form pursuant to § 126 b BGB, the bids will be excluded.
We would like to point out that in the case of any parallel applications for participation or bids from affiliated companies, attention must be paid to compliance with the principles of secret competition; at the latest upon request by the awarding authority, evidence must be provided that strict separation in terms of personnel, organization and structure was ensured during the preparation of the application for participation and bid documents (cf. e.g. OLG Düsseldorf, decision dated 13.04.2011 VII-Verg 4/11; VK Münster, decision dated 22.04.2015 - VK 1-12/15).
Note: If one of the required forms is not submitted in due form or time, this may lead to exclusion of the bid.
Missing or incomplete documents can be subsequently requested by the awarding authority; however, applicants cannot rely on a subsequent request being made.
Missing documents at the end will lead to exclusion.
The documents to be submitted will automatically be announced at the points provided for this purpose.
Bekanntmachungs-ID: CXS0YYEY1BVH0U4L
Ort: Bonn
Postleitzahl: 53123
Land: Deutschland
The competent reviewing authority is
Federal Public Procurement Tribunal
Villemombler Straße 76
53123 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 9499-0
Fax: 02[gelöscht]
Email: [gelöscht]
Website: http://www.bundeskartellamt.de/SharedDocs/Kontaktdaten/DE/Vergabekammern.html
The applicants are made aware of the legal meaning of § 160, para. 3 of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition, particularly its no. 4.
§ 160 Introduction, Application
(1) The public procurement tribunal shall initiate review procedures only upon application.
(2) Every undertaking which has an interest in the contract and claims that its rights under § 97 para. 7 were violated by non-compliance with the provisions governing the awarding of public contracts has the right to file an application. In doing so, it must be shown that the undertaking has suffered a loss, or may be about to suffer a loss, in consequence of the alleged violation of provisions governing the awarding of public contracts.
(3) The application is inadmissible, if
1. the applicant became aware of the violation of provisions governing the awarding of public contracts during the award procedure and did not object to the contracting entity without undue delay.
2. violations of provisions governing the awarding of public contracts which become apparent from the tender notice are not notified to the contracting entity by the end of the period specified in the notice for the submission of a tender or application.
3. violations of provisions governing the awarding of public contracts which only become apparent from the award documents are not notified to the contracting entity by the end of the period specified in the notice for the submission of a tender or application.
4. more than 15 calendar days have expired since receipt of notification from the contracting entity that it is unwilling to redress the complaint.
Sentence 1 shall not apply to an application under § 101b (1) no. 2 to have the award contract declared ineffective. § 101a para. 1 sentence 2 shall remain unaffected.
Information pursuant to Art. 13 GDPR on the processing of your personal data within the scope of our business relationship is available at: www.gsi.de/data-protection
Ort: Bonn
Postleitzahl: 53123
Land: Deutschland