MARI Project Management Office Referenznummer der Bekanntmachung: WS1005839616
Auftragsbekanntmachung – Sektoren
Abschnitt I: Auftraggeber
Ort: Berlin
NUTS-Code: DE300 Berlin
Postleitzahl: 10557
Land: Deutschland
E-Mail: [gelöscht]
Telefon: [gelöscht]
Abschnitt II: Gegenstand
MARI Project Management Office
MARI Project
MARI (Manually Activated Reserves Initiative) requires the design, development and implementation of a common platform that gathers all the demand from the TSOs and the bids from their market parties and provides the optimized allocation of a market product (balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with manual activation, balancing energy from mFRR) to cover the TSOs' needs.
High level support requirements
In order to support MARI project partners during the Implementation of the balancing platform and secure the deadline for the go-live and the TSO’s connection to the platform as well as managing the operational phase, an external experienced support is expected on the Business Project Management Office for MARI project (in resume referred as “MARI PMO”).
Seat of the winning tenderer
Scope of Activities
For the conduct of the implementation phase and later on the operational phase, the MARI PMO shall support the MARI project with the following activities.
Project management in European environment
In coordination with the convener(s) of the relevant MARI bodies and all MARI project partners, the MARI PMO is in charge of organizational aspects of the MARI project, especially for the following tasks:
- Meeting facilitation
- Budgeting for MARI specifically and balancing projects in general (including the balancing Capacity Management Module (CMM))
- Internal management
- External management for MARI specifically and balancing projects in general
- Project documentation
- Support TSOs in procurement processes
- Support MARI for a successive and timely go-live and connection of the TSOs to mFRR platform
For further and more detailed information on the scope of work, please see MARI PMO Technical requirements.
Twice possible extension by 12 month on the sole decision of 50Hertz.
Abschnitt III: Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Angaben
The following must be submitted with the application to participate;
1. We hereby declare that there are no grounds for exclusion pursuant to §§ 123, 124 GWB for our company and, in the case of a suitability loan, for the lending company.
2. We hereby declare that the statutory minimum wage and collective bargaining regulations, to the extent applicable, will be complied with.
The economic and financial standing must be proven by the applicant with;
- valid liability insurance
- Company information: submission of a PowerPoint presentation of the company, an organisation chart showing the main Business Units and a short company presentation.
- Subcontracting: submission of subcontracting information if there is intention of using subcontracting to deliver the scope of this procurement procedure.
Provided information that cannot be clearly evaluated, e.g. For example, the connection between individual services for reference, these are considered not provided.
The technical and professional ability must be proven by the applicant with one reference by means of a comparable service, stating the client (name, address; at the same time the name and position of a specifically authorized contact person, including his or her telephone number and e-mail address), service, scope of service, contract value and contract period.
The reference shall at least include;
- the service in question is provided to a group of minimum five system operators (implies both TSOs and DSOs) and - the service in question was provided in English and
- the service in question was provided for at least 24 months.
Reference from 2012 onwards are authorized.
Please see chapter 4 'Invoicing and Payment' for further details.
Penalty for defective performance: 0,1 % of the frame amount.
The contracting authority does not pay any advance payment.
The contracting authority accepts invoice in every quarter year after the verification of the performance of the
services stated in contract. The draft contract contains the detailed provisions of guarantees and payment
Abschnitt IV: Verfahren
Abschnitt VI: Weitere Angaben
The tender package is directly available to applicants via the weblink mentioned under section I.3) of the contract notice.
Applicants are required to request the access to the tender platform by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address mentioned in section I.1 of the contract notice, providing the following information:
• name of the candidate (and for legal entities, including the company form);
• address of the candidate;
• VAT number of the candidate; and
• information of the contact person for the tender (name, e-mail address and telephone number).
Information to access the tender on the Ariba platform will be provided by e-mail as soon as possible.
Applicants are advised to request this access as soon as possible and to click on ‘intend to participate’ in Ariba in order to receive possible clarifications from the contracting entity.
The applicant must request, complete and submit by the closing date (see IV.2.2.) with the most actual available data together with the requested documents.
Contracting entity doesn’t guaranty to provide the Ariba login details before closing time for candidates requesting their access to Ariba less than 48 hours before closing time.
The applicant is solely responsible for requesting the access to the tender on the Ariba platform on time.
The contracting entity declines any responsibility in the event of problems with the Ariba platform.
Any application not sent correctly via Ariba will be rejected.
The manuals for usage of E-Sourcing (Ariba) can be found via the following URL:
Ort: Berlin
Postleitzahl: 10825
Land: Deutschland
Precise information on the deadlines for filing appeals:
Deadlines for filing an application for review result from Section 160 (3) GWB. For the sake of clarity, this provision is reproduced in its entirety. “The application is inadmissible if
1. the applicant recognized the alleged violation of procurement regulations before submitting the application for review and did not complain to the client within a period of ten calendar days; the expiration of the period according to § 134 paragraph 2 GWB remains unaffected,
2. Violations of procurement regulations, which are recognizable on the basis of the notice, are not reported to the client by the end of the period specified in the notice for the application or the submission of an offer at the latest,
3. Violations of procurement regulations, which can only be identified in the procurement documents, are not reported to the client at the latest by the end of the deadline for the application or the submission of an offer,
4. more than 15 calendar days after receipt of the notification from the client that they do not want to remedy a complaint, have passed."