Bioprofiling Assays
Bekanntmachung vergebener Aufträge
Ergebnisse des Vergabeverfahrens
Abschnitt I: Öffentlicher Auftraggeber
Ort: Berlin
NUTS-Code: DE3 Berlin
Postleitzahl: 13125
Land: Deutschland
E-Mail: [gelöscht]
Abschnitt II: Gegenstand
Bioprofiling Assays
All compounds in the EU-OPENSCREEN compound collection will be characterised for a basic set of properties which are relevant for chemical biology or drug discovery projects. Compounds entering the EU-OPENSCREEN compound collection will be carefully characterised and annotated for basic physicochemical (e.g. solubility, compund aggregation) and biological properties (e.g. cell viability, anti-microbial activity) by testing them in a standard panel termed ‘bioprofiling’ assays´.
Bioprofiling of the EU-OPENSCREEN compound collection in a standardised manner will contribute to the wealth of quantitative data on compound bioactivities and will comprehensively characterise each of the compounds before they are utilised by the scientific community. Bioprofiling services will be provided at one or more partner sites in the EU OPENSCREEN ERIC network.
Aggregation Physicochemical
Assay 1:
The formation of soluble compound aggregates is a major cause of false positives and distorted values in HTS assays.
Solubility Physicochemical
Assay 2:
Poor solubility can mask compound activity in bioassays inkluding underestimated activity, reduced hit rates in HTS and variable data outputs.
Determination of pKa Physicochemical
Assay 3:
The ionisation value of a compound reflects the diffusion rate across membranes and influences lipophilicity, solubility and protein binding, and therefore is an important parameter for compound optimization.
Determination of logP (partition coefficient) and logD (distribution coefficient) Physicochemical
Assay 4:
These parameters describe the lipophilicity of neutral (logP) and ionizable compounds (logD) and are therefore important values for predicting their behaviour (solubility, permeability) at physiological environments and different pH.
Interference with common Bioluminescence reporters Biochemical
Assay 5:
Important readout for many cellular reporter format assays. Will identify potential screening artefacts/false positives based on modulation of reporter enzymes.
ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) Biochemical
Assay 6:
Redox active compounds are commonly found in many screens as false positives as they can oxidize disulfide bridges in proteins or react with important co-factors.
Cell viability Cell-based
Assay 7:
Detection of the number of living cells by various means, e.g. measurement of ATP.
Antibacterial and antifungal assays Biological
Assay 8:
Deliver information about potential antibacterial and antifungal properies by testing compounds in a panel of growth assays.
Cell-painting Cell-based
Assay 9:
Multiplexes many readouts based on the use of several fluorescent dyes to reveal broadly relevant changes of cellular pomponents or organelles.
Abschnitt IV: Verfahren
- Der Auftrag fällt nicht in den Anwendungsbereich der Richtlinie
According to the Statutes and Internal Rules of EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC bioprofiling shall be provided by one or more partner sites. EU-OPENSCREEN partner sites are entities with scientific and technological capabilities approved by a specific procedure according to the Statutes of EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC. Cooperation between EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC and partner sites is not subject to open procurement procedures pursuant to § 108 VI GWB. EU-OPENSCREEN bioprofiling services will be provided at one or more partner sites in the EU-OPENSCREEN network (
Abschnitt V: Auftragsvergabe
Aggregation Physicochemical
Abschnitt V: Auftragsvergabe
Solubility Physicochemical
Ort: Santiago de Compostela
NUTS-Code: ES111 A Coruña
Land: Spanien
Abschnitt V: Auftragsvergabe
Determination of pKa Physicochemical
Abschnitt V: Auftragsvergabe
Determination of logP (partition coefficient) and logD (distribution coefficient) Physicochemical
Abschnitt V: Auftragsvergabe
Interference with common Bioluminescence reporters Biochemical
Ort: Warsaw
NUTS-Code: PL91 Warszawski stołeczny
Land: Polen
Abschnitt V: Auftragsvergabe
ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species)
Ort: Warsaw
NUTS-Code: PL91 Warszawski stołeczny
Land: Polen
Abschnitt V: Auftragsvergabe
Cell viability Cell-based
Ort: Helsinki
NUTS-Code: FI1B Helsinki-Uusimaa
Land: Finnland
Abschnitt V: Auftragsvergabe
Antibacterial and antifungal assays Biological
Ort: Granada
NUTS-Code: ES614 Granada
Land: Spanien
subcontracts were awarded to Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI)
Abschnitt V: Auftragsvergabe
Cell-painting Cell-based
Ort: Granada
NUTS-Code: ES614 Granada
Land: Spanien
Ort: Santiago Compostela
NUTS-Code: ES111 A Coruña
Land: Spanien
Ort: Berlin
NUTS-Code: DE3 Berlin
Land: Deutschland
Ort: Olomouc
NUTS-Code: CZ071 Olomoucký kraj
Land: Tschechien
Abschnitt VI: Weitere Angaben
According to the Statutes and Internal Rules of EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC bioprofiling shall be provided by one or more partner sites. EU-OPENSCREEN Partner Sites are entities with scientific and technological capabilities approved by a specific procedure according to the Statutes of EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC. Cooperation between EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC and partner sites is not subject to open procurement procedures pursuant to § 108 VI GWB. EU-OPENSCREEN bioprofiling services will be provided at one or more partner sites in the EU-OPENSCREEN network ( This notice is used as a means of transparency not as an open call for competition. EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC bioprofiling call was launched in February 2021. It is adressed to Partner Sites of EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC only. Procurement of the assay services follows the principles of transparency, non-discrimination, equal opportunity and competition. (Data shown under II.1.7 and V.2.4 do not contain information about the results of the call for competition. Entries had to be made due to the enotices form. Note to V.2.3: We have no information if the contractors are SME. Note to V.2.5 (Assay 9): The contract was awarded to four contractors.) Financing of the bioprofiling assays is funded by grants of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Ort: Berlin
Postleitzahl: 10825
Land: Deutschland
Telefon: [gelöscht]
Fax: [gelöscht]
EU Openscreen ERIC is an international organisation according to art. 9 Abs. 1b RL 2014/24/EU, § 109 GWB.