A1015 Ar Ion Miller
Abschnitt I: Öffentlicher Auftraggeber
Ort: Berlin
NUTS-Code: DE300 Berlin
Postleitzahl: 14109
Land: Deutschland
E-Mail: [gelöscht]
Telefon: +49 30 / 80621-2652
Fax: +49 30 / 80621-2925
Hauptadresse: http://www.helmholtz-berlin.de
Ort: Berlin
NUTS-Code: DE30 Berlin
Land: Deutschland
E-Mail: [gelöscht]
Hauptadresse: http://www.helmholtz-berlin.de
Abschnitt II: Gegenstand
A1015 Ar Ion Miller
Ar Ion Miller The purpose of this tender is the procurement of a standalone argon ion miller for physical etching of thin-film materials (wafers up to 2").
Typical applications include the fabrication of magnetic tunnel junctions for MRAM devices. Key specifications of the to-be-delivered system include:
Motorized in-situ sample rotation and tilt; water cooling of the sample holder; a 4 cm or larger diameter ion source that operates reliably between 100 V and 1200 V; an in-situ sputter gun for protective coating of exposed side walls of the thin-film materials after milling; a vacuum system that is ready for a future upgrade with a fully retractable SIMS end point detector.
Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1 14109 Berlin.
Ar Ion Miller The purpose of this tender is the procurement of a standalone argon ion miller for physical etching of thin-film materials (wafers up to 2").
Typical applications include the fabrication of magnetic tunnel junctions for MRAM devices. Key specifications of the to-be-delivered system include:
Motorized in-situ sample rotation and tilt; water cooling of the sample holder; a 4 cm or larger diameter ion source that operates reliably between 100 V and 1200 V; an in-situ sputter gun for protective coating of exposed side walls of the thin-film materials after milling; a vacuum system that is ready for a future upgrade with a fully retractable SIMS end point detector.
Delivery time: December 2021.
Abschnitt III: Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Angaben
• brief presentation of the company;
• signed declaration of compliance with the requested technical and commercial skills;
• declaration of the total gross revenue of the company in the last three years, plus the revenue specifically related to services in this tender.
Minimum revenue: twice the tender value in average in the last three fiscal years.
The bidder must provide references of customers who routinely use the offered or similar system for applications in spintronics for more than five years for the following applications (3 references required) Magnetic tunnel junctions, especially magnetic random access memories (MTJs) and/or Nano-tracks made of complex magnetic or ferroelectric oxides.
For each reference, one of the attached forms must be provided. Each form must include sufficient information to evaluate how the reference meets the above requested criteria plus contact information of the reference.
• picture of similar ion plasma source configuration to provide proof of experience. Drawings or schematics not accepted;
• picture of similar sputter gun configuration to provide proof of experience. Drawings or schematics not accepted;
• letter from end point detector manufacturer confirming successful integration of their SIMS endpoint detector into similar equipment.
3 references
Abschnitt IV: Verfahren
Abschnitt VI: Weitere Angaben
Please register to participate in the electronic tender free of charge at http://www.subreport.de/ and download the documents for the Call for tender under the number E97833791.
Your registration ensures that you have all relevant information for the tender Information such as answers to bidder questions and changes to deadlines and tender documents, automatically to your e-mail address entered there receive.
If you are ready to provide the service, we ask you to do so binding offer in electronic form.
Download this, electronically signed, at www. subreport.de until the expiry of the Offer period (date of receipt) high. The offer are all required Include explanations and evidence.
Please send comments or technical questions exclusively via the Tendering platform under menu item ‘Messages (Bidder Communication)’ in Subreport Elvis First information is available at http://www.subreport.de/se rvice / support-elvis / or directly from subreport Verlag Schawe GmbH Mr. Ehl,
Buchforststr. 1-15, 51101 Cologne Tel .: +49 (0) 2 21/9 85 78-0, Fax: +49 (0) 2 21/9 85 78-66 Email: [gelöscht]
Ort: Bonn
Land: Deutschland
Ort: Bonn
Land: Deutschland
Violations of award regulations are against the client to complain within 10 calendar days of violations resulting from the Announcement or the tender documents, by the expiry at the latest the offer period. The client informs that the complaint has not been remedied can submit a review request to the responsible procurement chamber (§ 160GWB).
Ort: Bonn
Land: Deutschland