RV_WTG_MV-Maintanance offshore Referenznummer der Bekanntmachung: EnBW-2023-0056
Auftragsbekanntmachung – Sektoren
Abschnitt I: Auftraggeber
Postanschrift: Fischertwiete 1
Ort: Hamburg
NUTS-Code: DE60 Hamburg
Postleitzahl: 20095
Land: Deutschland
E-Mail: t.abufarha@enbw.com
Hauptadresse: www.enbw.com
Abschnitt II: Gegenstand
RV_WTG_MV-Maintanance offshore
EnBW AG tenders the scope for a framework contract for the maintenance of the MV components of the WTG on our four OWF EnBW Baltic 1 (SWT-2.3-93), EnBW Baltic 2 (SWT-3.6-120) in the Baltic Sea and EnBW Hohe See (SWT-7.0-154) and EnBW Albatros (SWT-7.0-154) in the North Sea.
The duration will be 7 years starting in the summer campaign 2024 with the OWF in the Baltic Sea and rotates every year between North Sea an Baltic Sea.
The scope includes maintenance on components such as transformers, switchgears, cables and the UPS and requires, e.g., visual inspections on all components, inspection of cable connections on transformers and switchgears, checking for leakages on transformers and changing UPS batteries because of low battery voltage.
As option we also tender the scope for trouble shooting works on all components mentioned above, which may include repair works in the event of a damage on a medium voltage cable, or repair works on a transformer after an earth fault.
Offshore Windfarm EnBW Baltic 1, EnBW Baltic 2 in the Baltic Sea and EnBW Hohe See and EnBW Albatros in the North Sea
Maintanance of MV components such as transformers, switchgears, cables and the UPS and requires, e.g., visual inspections on all components, inspection of cable connections on transformers and switchgears, checking for leakages on transformers and changing UPS batteries because of low battery voltage.
Baltic Sea:
EnBW Baltic 1: 21 WTG Siemens SWT-2.3-93
EnBW Baltic 2: 80 WTG Siemens SWT-3.6-120
North Sea:
EnBW Hohe See: 71 WTG Siemens SWT-7.0-154
EnBW Albatros: 16 WTG Siemens SWT-7.0-154
The duration will be 7 years starting in the summer campaign 2024 with the OWF in the Baltic Sea and rotates every year between North Sea an Baltic Sea.
As option we also tender the scope for trouble shooting works on all components mentioned above, which may include repair works in the event of a damage on a medium voltage cable, or repair works on a transformer after an earth fault.
As option we tender the scope for trouble shooting works on all components, which may include repair works in the event of a damage on a medium voltage cable, or repair works on a transformer after an earth fault.
Abschnitt III: Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Angaben
Directlink to documents with Selection criteria: (URL) https://www.tender24.de/NetServer/SelectionCriteria/54321-Tender-18a4107eede-efa309c531c4bd5
Directlink to documents with Selection criteria: (URL) https://www.tender24.de/NetServer/SelectionCriteria/54321-Tender-18a4107eede-efa309c531c4bd5
Directlink to documents with Selection criteria: (URL) https://www.tender24.de/NetServer/SelectionCriteria/54321-Tender-18a4107eede-efa309c531c4bd5
Directlink to documents with Selection criteria: (URL) https://www.tender24.de/NetServer/SelectionCriteria/54321-Tender-18a4107eede-efa309c531c4bd5
30 day net from receipt of invoice
jointly and severally liable
- in accordance with the supplier code of conduct of EnBW
- contractor must register in the supplier system to process orders (IVAULA)
- No listing of the company or its representatives on sanctions or terrorism lists of the EU, the UK, the USA and Canada.
Abschnitt IV: Verfahren
Abschnitt VI: Weitere Angaben
Postanschrift: Durlacher Allee 100
Ort: Karlsruhe
Postleitzahl: 76137
Land: Deutschland
Telefon: +49 721-926-8730
Fax: +49 721-926-3985
A review procedure is only admissible if, among other things, the applicant has recognized the alleged violation of award regulations before submitting the request for review and has notified the contracting entity of the violation within a period of 10 calendar days and the request for initiation of a review procedure is submitted within 15 calendar days after receipt of the contracting entity's notification that it does not wish to remedy a complaint (cf. in detail Section § 160 (3) GWB).